Diabetes is a chronic disease which can be caused by many factors such as genetics, diet, lifestyle, and obesity. The pathogenesis and onset of diabetes obeys a set sequence of events: the development from unstable blood sugar levels to pancreatic islet cell damage, insulin resistance and final diagnosis of type II diabetes takes a relatively long period of time. As such, this period is the opportune stage where early intervention can halt the progression of diabetes, and even re-verse its progression, allowing an individual to return to a healthy state.

Our product is different from similar products on the Australian market. It uses a uniquely patented formula, targeting individuals in the window of opportunity to allow for the repair of pancreatic islet cells, thus delaying or even reversing the onset of type II diabetes. This method of intervention is the embodiment of the concept of preventative medicine.

Main Active Ingredients Include:
  1. Natural herbal polypeptides, extracted using cryogenic techniques to ensure molecular activity. The peptides are able to act as an insulin-replacement, reducing the load on insulin receptors, allowing them to recover from insulin resistance.
  1. Concentrated and purified natural plant extracts which act as anti-inflammatories, strengthens bowel flora, and balances energy intake. The extracts can help control body weight, lower blood lipid levels, and reducing inflammation within the digestive system.
  1. High efficiency organic selenium complex. Following years of research, the Japanese National Institute of Public Health found that selenium can diminish hyperglycaemia within diabetic patients without the use of insulin. It is able to enhance the absorption of blood sugar by cells, as well as promoting glycogenesis within the liver to further lower blood sugar levels whilst providing energy to cells. Furthermore, selenium can protect and repair pancreatic islet cells from damage, thus maintaining normal insulin secretion.
According to medical experts, a healthy diet, repair of pancreatic islet cells, and renewal of insulin secretion and receptor function is the fundamental basis for the treatment of diabetes. Our product Sugar Master is suitable for treatment in individuals during the period of blood sugar instability, or for the prevention of diabetes in individuals not yet diagnosed with diabetes or pre-diabetes. The product does not cause any harm to the individual due to the lack of negative side-effects.

Main Functions:
  • Nutrition, repair of pancreatic islet cells, restoration of normal islet secretion of insulin and blood sugar regulation
  • Repair mechanisms which regulate blood sugar levels and restore blood sugar homeostasis
  • Strengthen intestinal probiotics, inhibit digestive tract inflammation, ultimately balancing the body’s energy metabolism
  • Eliminate free radicals, control and prevent the pathogenesis of diabetes
  • Acts as an antioxidant, thus delaying the onset of diabetic symptoms
  • Enhance the body’s cellular and non-specific immune system, thereby improving the body’s resistance to disease
Target Audience:
  • Individuals with hypertension, dyslipidaemia, or hyperglycaemia
  • Overweight and obese individuals
  • Individuals with a family history of diabetes
  • Individuals who are suspected diabetics
  • As a complementary treatment to diagnosed diabetics